Brought to you by:
in cash prizes
February 7th @ 5:30 PM
hosted at the Sigmi Phi Epsilon House
3586 Midland Ave, Memphis, TN 38111
Come hang out, watch some games, eat food, and compete!
Food and drinks will be provided!
FIRST 50 to REGISTER EARLY pay only a $10 entry fee (will be paid at event via venmo or cash). Those who wait to register will pay $15. Admission for those not competing will be $5 (covers food and drinks at event).
PC players are WELCOME! (Must bring your own rig and peripherals)
Playstations and Xboxs will be provided (Headsets will not be provided)
Monitors for those who want to bring their own PC/Console will be available.
For any questions, please submit inquiries with form below. All questions will be answered within 24 hours.
Click the link below for tournament structure and scoring details.